An Englishman tried to pull the turban of an Indian Sikh citizen in a racist attack outside the British Parliament. According to the media report, 37-year-old Ravneet Singh is a resident of Punjab in India. At the time the incident took place, Ravneet Singh was waiting for the Labor Party leader Tanmajit Singh to visit Portcullis House. Portcullis House is a part of the British Parliamentary Estate.

Ravneet Singh said that when he was waiting in the line, the man (Englishman) came to him and he made a racist comment on the lion, ‘go back to the Muslims.’ Not only that, the man also tried to pull the lion’s turban.
Singh said, ‘I was waiting outside the Portcullus and waiting for that person to run and came to me. We were about to go inside that he came to me and he attacked me. He pulled my turban. My turban was almost halfway down, but I kept holding it. When I started shouting, he fled. ‘
Singh told that he was an Englishman, but he did not make racial comment in English. He said something like the Muslims would go back. “Labor party MP Dhesi told this incident” disgusting “and demanded action against the culprit. According to the police, no arrest has been made in this case so far, but police investigation is underway. People of Sikh community living in London often have to face such racial incidents.