The streaming video giant is now interested in a new sector: theaters. Although it is not official, several reports prove that Netflix has been in talks to acquire some chains.
As reported by The Verge , Netflix is considering a more drastic plan to take its films to the big screen. Recently it was learned that they were in talks to acquire the North American chain Landmark Theaters, although finally it was not specified due to its price.
Although the firm is not specifically interested in that chain, it does provide lights of its plans to acquire spaces where projects are projected. Why? Recall the conflict that was in the latest version of the Cannes Festival, after which they finally decided to exclude themselves from the competition. The same Content Manager of Netflix confirmed that the productions of the platform will not go to the version of this year.
The news could be an important indicator of the next steps of the firm to, for example, qualify better in some relevant competitions. Likewise, although Netflix has 125 million paid subscribers, it still has a space to compete with movie establishments.
The inevitable doubt that arises: will not it be easier to associate with a chain before buying it? Consulted by the local press, the firm did not want to refer to the topic.