India has been ranked 81th in the world of corruption in the world. In the ‘Global Corruption Perception Index’ released by Transparency International, India is placed 81st. In the case of corruption and press freedom in the Asia Pacific region, the country was named after the worst case scenario. In this index, about 180 countries were placed in the public sector corruption cases, in which India is at 81st position.

The circumstances of these areas are poorly executed
In 2016, India was ranked 79th in 176 countries. The index uses the scale of 0 to 100, where 0 shows excessive corrupt, while number 100 tells very corruption free. In this India got 40 scores like in the past. India’s score was 38 in 2015. Transparency International further said, “In some countries of Asia Pacific, journalists, activists, opposition leaders and even law enforcement or surveillance agencies are threatened with killing and even in some worst cases They are also murdered.
At the peak of corruption in the Philippines, India and the Maldives
Said that “Philippines, India and Maldives are in the worst position in this matter. In these countries corruption is at the peak, as well as the lack of press freedom and death of senior journalists are commonplace.” According to the Report of the Press Protection Committee, in the last six years, 15 journalists working on the corruption story of these countries have been killed. In the latest rankings, New Zealand and Denmark remained top of the order with 89 and 88, respectively. On the other hand, Syria, South Sudan and Somalia remained at the lowest position with a score of 14, 12 and 9, respectively. Meanwhile, China was placed at 77th with 41 points, while Brazil was placed at 96th with a score of 37, while Russia was at 135th with 29 points.
9 out of 10 journalists killed in 6 years
From these results also came out that the situation of corruption is the worst in countries with less safety and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In the context of CPJ data, it was reported that in the last six years, 9 out of 10 journalists were killed in those countries who had scored 45 points or less on the index. Transparency International Managing Director Patricia Moreira said, “No worker or reporter should be scared of speaking against corruption. In view of the current crimes committed on the civil society and the media around the world, we need to protect those people. “