With the Coronavirus in full swing, by now, you have understood the importance of immunity in your body. The better the immunity, the better can your body fight against diseases. Without a proper immune system, a body is similar to a corpse. However, there are various ways by which the immune system can be boosted. Before getting into the processes to boost your immune system, let us know about the immune system in detail.
What is the immune system?
A network of proteins and cells that helps the body fight against external invaders like viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc., is known as the immune system. What makes the immune system different from other body systems is it keeps track of each microbe or germ that the immune system has defeated. When the immune system does not function as it should, the individual tends to have allergic conditions or immuno deficiency diseases.
The immune system has the power to recognize and defeat every microbe that has entered the body of an individual. Memory cells help the immune system identify and kill the germ before it does havoc to the individual’s body and makes him fall sick. This is how the immune system fights microbial infections. People tend to catch a cold or suffer from fever or flu several times. In such cases, the same viruses can cause one to fall ill.
The immune system is divided into two parts:
The innate immune system
This is the kind of immune system that one is born with. The innate immune system controls one’s body and is the first one to recognize the intrusion of any germ or microbe. This immune system is ingrained in a person right from birth and shows the signal first when a germ or microbe enters the body. As soon as it recognizes the intrusion of a microbe, it gets into action. The microbe is killed when the cells of the innate immune system encircle it. The cells that wrap the microbe from all sides are known as phagocytes.
The acquired immune system
Without the innate immune system, the acquired immune system cannot exist. It can produce antibodies only with the help of the innate immune system and safeguard your body from unwanted microbes. When an individual’s body is exposed to a microbe, it creates specific cells known as B lymphocytes. It is these B lymphocytes that produce antibodies. Although it takes a long time for antibodies to be developed in your body, they last long. After the development of the acquired immune system, it changes its character and the growth of an individual.
The cells of both acquired and innate immune systems are created in the following part of your body:
- Adenoids
- Bone marrow
- Lymph nodes
- Lymphatic vessels
- Peyer’s patches
- Spleen
- Tonsils
- Thymus
Parts of an immune system
The immune system can be divided into the following parts:
- White blood cells
- Antibodies
- Complement system
- Lymphatic system
- Spleen
- Bone marrow
- Thymus
Ways to enhance the immune system
If you are interested in enhancing your body’s immune system, you may wonder what or how you can do so. Here are some tips, which if you follow, is sure to boost the immune system of your body:
Get adequate sleep
Immunity and sleep go hand in hand. The lesser you sleep, the more prone your body is to diseases and illness. It is a must for people of every age to sleep for an adequate amount of time. A study revealed that people who sleep for less than 6 hours or more catch cold quickly. Every adult should sleep for at least 7 – 8 hours daily. It is 8 – 10 hours for teens, and for toddlers, it’s at least 9 hours and more.
Consume a good quantity of whole plant foods
Whole plant foods are rich in antioxidants and nutrients and provide an individual the power to fight pathogens. Some of the whole plant foods are legumes, nuts, vegetables, seeds, fruits, etc. The antioxidants present in these whole plant foods reduce inflammation by fighting with the free radicals. Again, the fiber in these whole plant foods may keep you away from harmful pathogens.
Devour on more healthy fats
Healthy fats increase the immunity of your body by reducing inflammation. Some of the healthy fats can be fish oil, salmon, olive oil, etc. Individuals can adjust with lower levels of inflammation. But chronic inflammation can take a toll on the immune system of your body.
Take a probiotic supplement or add fermented food to your diet
What gives fermented food the power to combat germs and viruses is beneficial bacteria known as probiotics. Some of the fermented foods include kimchi, yogurt, natto, kefir, and the like. Immunity and gut health are interrelated. If you do not prefer eating fermented food regularly, you can depend on probiotic supplements.
Restrict intake of added sugars
The more artificial or added sugar you consume, the more you are likely to get obese or overweight, which is directly related to falling sick. A study concerning 1000 people has revealed that people suffering from obesity fell sick due to flu. If you can reduce your sugar intake, the inflammation in the body will automatically get reduced, thereby decreasing chronic health problems.
Include moderate exercise in your daily routine
Exercising regularly at a moderate level can boost the immune system of your body. Moderate exercises can be brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, hiking, etc. Moderate exercises every day can decrease the inflammation of the body and enhance immunity.
Remain hydrated
It is crucial to remain hydrated throughout the day. Although drinking beverages can enhance your hydration, along with beverages, you consume sugar, which has already been restricted in the previous paragraphs. The best hydrant would be drinking adequate water as it does not have any calories, sugar, or additives.
Control your level of stress
The key to good health is to reduce stress as much as you can. The longer time you stress, the more your body will suffer from inflammation. To be more precise, psychological stress for a long time can suppress your body’s immune system. As a result, your body may not react to the microbes that enter your body. To manage stress, perform yoga, meditation, get into the habit of writing journals, and mental healing.
Take supplements wisely
If you do not prefer taking foods that increase your immune system, you can depend on the right supplements. Before taking in supplements, make sure you consult your doctor once.
Foods that can boost the immune system
If you are interested in increasing your body’s immune system, here are some specific foods that you should include in your diet regularly.
Citrus fruits
If you catch a cold, most doctors suggest you take foods rich in vitamin C. This is because vitamin C is said to produce white blood cells that can fight microbes. Some of the common foods rich in vitamin C are oranges, lemons, grapefruit, limes, clementine, etc. The daily intake of vitamin C for women should be 75 mg, while for men, it should be 90 mg. However, if you opt for supplements, make sure you do not consume more than 2000 mg a day.
Bell peppers
Besides citrus fruits, some vegetables contain vitamin C. Amongst all vegetables, the presence of vitamin C in the red bell peppers is thrice to that of oranges. Further, red bell peppers are also rich in beta carotene. Other than increasing the immunity of the body, foods rich in vitamin C also generate healthy skin.
Broccoli is filled with vitamin A, C, E, fibers, and antioxidants. Whatever be your daily diet, some amount of broccoli should be on the plate every day. Remember, broccoli should not be cooked for too long. If you have to extract more nutrients from broccoli, the best way to have it is to consume steamed broccoli.
If you dig into the history of the various cuisines that are prevalent in our world, you will find the presence of garlic in almost every cuisine. Right from the introduction of human civilization, garlic has been used to prevent infections. The high amount of Sulphur contained in garlic makes it boost immunity in your body.
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce illness. Besides, ginger can reduce chronic pain and lower cholesterol.
Spinach is rich in vitamin C, beta carotene, and antioxidants, all of which make spinach fight infections and boost immunity. Just like broccoli, spinach should be consumed in a steamed form. The more you cook spinach, the more it loses its vitamins and minerals.
Yogurt is rich in vitamin D. Instead of eating sugary or flavored yogurt, it is better to eat it plain. If necessary, you can add some nuts and honey as toppings.
Since you have to live with the Covid-19 virus, it is better to eat healthily and boost immunity than to ignore your immune health and fall prey to the virus.