According to Techcrunch, after two days of 19 and 20 March, Facebook shares lost a total of 11.4% of the value of trading shares of the company at the time of closing the market. On March 16 it was $ 185, 09.
On Friday night, the total market capitalization of Facebook was $ 537.69. The trouble with Facebook continues to spread and become more serious about the Facebook information leakage of 50 million users and the company faces a lot of legal liability in the coming time.
Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg may soon have a “tour” to travel to European parliaments to testify about the leaks of user information related to British data firms.
Damian Collins, head of the UK Parliamentary Committee Investigating about the Impact of Social Networking on Recent Elections, invited Mr. Zuckerberg to answer questions about the issue of Cambridge Analytica, a UK company that is at the center of the data leakage scandal.
In addition, the US Congress and the Federal Trade Commission would also like to hear Facebook leader answer about the “Cambridge Analytica scandal”.
According to Facebook, the company will hold information meetings with six committees in the US Congress, including meetings with the House and Senate Judiciary committees, as well as trade committees and the bicameral intelligence of the US Congress.
In related developments, Cambridge Analytica announced a temporary suspension of work with Alexander Nix, the company’s chief executive.
Other News Channels reveals videos showing how Cambridge Analytica ran the entire “campaign” the campaign for Trump in 2016 election, and contributed to the “narrow victory” by giving Mr. Trump 40,000 votes in three US states.