This is not the first time that Apple demonstrates how to protect the rights of its users. With iOS 12, they have further reduced the ability of intelligence services to access data stored on iPhone devices.
It is known that from “Apple vs FBI case” the company has a completely different point of view when it comes to accessing user data that the federal authorities have. Authorities claim that the investigation needs to have full access to data on the device, while Apple believes everyone could have that approach at that time, which would be lazy with one of the company’s basic principles.

Opinions are divided, since everyone can choose a party he considers to be right and will not be wrong. Nevertheless, it seems Apple with iOS 12 is shutting down a technological hole that allowed law enforcement officials to hack iPhone devices.
Do you know what the GrayKey box is? It is a tool purchased by some government representatives in the United States. The GrayKey box is designed to connect to the Lightning Connector for iPhone and that is using data traffic manages to reach the password in just a few hours. Therefore, users of these devices should not be afraid of “regular” hackers, but agencies that have a tool that could easily misuse their data.
Apple simply cannot let it happen, and this company has been insisting on the concept of a bulletproof iPhone for some time.
To achieve this, iOS 12 will come with a new automatic menu called USB Extras. This menu would block data transfer via a USB port in case the device is locked for more than an hour. With this solution, it would be impossible to use tools like the GrayKey box, since it’s impossible to do anything when an hour’s limit exceeds, although charging is still possible.
If a user for some reason wants to disable this feature, this is of course possible to do so. But given that you will not feel any changes during everyday use, there is no reason to really do it.